Theory I could be wrong about the mark. If I am right it can be repented of I think.
A story of the Dark Lord’s version of the born again experience. Born of a new spirit by the blood blood blood.
So far in my many articles of the topic “back scenes” I have studied only the ingredients that the A.Zen corpses (corporations) admitted to publically. I ignored the stories of nanotech graphene robot implementations into the bodies of men because the listed ingredients are bad enough. In greed I ants like can sir and beast Dee Anne. (steal your soul, steal your soul)
I just watched a video that is fairly convincing of the spiked back scene. They “spike” your drink, they spike your shot of bourbon, and they name the back scene a “spike”. Hell yes they spiked it!
The powers that be are already controlling people’s memories add/delete both. How? By the towers of babble of course & cellular intrusion fones. But apparently that’s not enough for them. They want total mind control. Total robotic obedience. This is some diabolical bullshit. I totally underestimated the “steal, kill, and destroy mankind” scripture.
Uplifting words for the spiritual journey. Creation of man part II. Earth experience is the creation of mankind part two. We all choose our Gods in this walk through Earth & life.
HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION. WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED. Nurture Hope. For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.
“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”
I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell. Bless his heart. He has some very good points. Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.
God Began it and He WILL END IT and Soon! The Creator is the Alpha and the Omega/the beginning and the end.
The Dark Lord took all the bibles with permission. He turned those to the dark side who could be turned. He put in bondage to the Locust those who were not protected. And now the Dark Lord is destroying all of his puppets. Their corporations, their theirvery of land and resources, and their abuse of the innocent whom they made into slaves are being set free from them. The Dark Lord will devour his own recruits of souls. That was always his purpose. The serpents and wolves are fu**ed.
For those of us who have felt people’s (across the board given at birth) Spirit of Life and their personal spirit like their vibe or personality type…things have changed drastically gradually and not in a good way.
Dan 12:10
“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”
Daniel 12:11
“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
To the protectors of the realm of mankind, protectors of the nobodies I do thank you for your sacrifices. But a mere “thankyou” hold little weight compared to the loss you have all endured.
Do not ever give up on the Eternal Gift of Hope your helmet. Do not doubt the precious eternal gift Faith. Don’t give up before the miracle happens! And so come the prophecies of those who war in Spirit. The words you waited for. And Jazweeh is relentless in her writing.
To those who are hidden, the scribe proclaims the spiritual victory by God’s leading. Victory is already accomplished!
And the bird wears the crown of the righteous wizard of Faith.
For, just as the bad parts of prophecy have come to pass now the good parts. We sit back and watch what God will do. Waiting is not an easy task for a warrior whether in Spirit or in the carnal realm of man.
The stories are true says the Scribe of God…the strongholds are crushed by those who do not fight in carnal ways. They see into the world of shadow and darkness. Yet are we brothers to meet.
His Time Is Short
The beast is in its hay of day but we see it’s demise just around the corner. First Spirit and inevitable carnal follows. Your reward my noble wizard is from above and very soon. Of this I am certain says the seer Jazweeh.
La Sagrada Familia The War IS Won the Battle’s Over.
The Time Has Come to sit and watch what God will do. Easier said than done for a soldier of a lifelong mission.
Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Cathedral. In recent years oddly many Cathedrals were allegedly “struck by lightning”. Yet they have their toys of death. See video below “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys”.
“And the news man said that a man was shot dead by a gun that didn’t make any noise. But it wasn’t the bullet that laid him to rest, was the low spark of high heeled boys” Video at bottom.
The restrainer was a sect of the the Catholic Church. This Cathedral in Barcelona represented the restrainer (biblical prophecy) the protectors of mankind against corporate greed. And yet the many watchmen confuse the restrainer and condemn all of the Catholic church. Yet the charity of that church is unmatched. Finally the beast overcame and won the long standing war between two powers on Earth which few understand. Now is the time of the crow. Dark times of the beast are here. But his rule is short lived and nearly over. God will not have it. The harvest is ready the separation is done. The battle was not in vain. The restrainer of evil saved many lives.
La Sagrada Familia CathedralLa Sagrada Familia CathedralLa Sagrada Familia CathedralLa Sagrada Familia Cathedral
Now we know why the magic bibles changed from “Son of God” in many instances to “son of man” since for a short time the fake “sun rules the day”.
Sorry video I mention below showing the coherent lazer ray from the sun is unavailable on this platform. However I do have the picture of lazor sun beam below.
SYNOPSIS of article-The video and pictures I took years ago prove that our "sun of man" is artificial light. A plasma sun is electric gas mass hoisted into the orbit of Earth taking it's place by magnetism. For now the dimmed Sun of God is following the orbit of the white hot sun of man. But soon the Sun of God will gain strength and power. The white hot sun of man will Ark as a supernova dwarf star. Hence the prophecies of a nuclear explosion. God's Sun of God will rise and who shall be able to stand? Pray that you can stand before Him when His Sun of God in all His Glory rises on the Earth.
Whether you are A believer or an unbeliever. Truthers will likely share this article. Jesus handed the Scribe of God a scroll this morning and IT’S A DOOZIE! Please read on. Title is not click bait. This article is probably the most profound revelation of Truth I have received for our times.
I took this photo about 6 years ago. See the wire & trees covered by the laser a “coherent strictly un-natural light source”. This proves it’s not a camera anomaly and that our new white hot Sun of man is not a natural sun.
Bottom line Science. The natural Sun of God was never “coherent lazor light”. It’s particles, photons are natural, ambient, and varied in structure. That way there are no harmful lasers or coherent adams grouping together as a lazor blasting from God’s warm Sun. That’s why we were able to stay out in the once warm and inviting (now dimmed sun of God) for hours and not burn. Way back in the day.
When Did the Real Sun Go Dim?
The real God’s Sun went dim as prophesied some time before 2006 when I found out that the Lion left the lamb to the wolves in Isaiah 11:6.
Attention: Fulfilled prediction/educated guess below. See the Dubai map.
Please understand we are not claiming to be prophets by “thus sayeth The Lord”. Still sometimes it is Father giving us the words. I am a Scribe of God, of that I am certain. I get feelings and I guess according to The Spirit within. I am human and don’t always know if it’s Spirit or just an educated guess/flesh.
Jazweeh’s believe it or not
Sometime between April 8th thru the end of June 2024. We predict by educated guess. Time shall be no more. Gentiles will all be harvested, all in a day. Everything changed over night to solitude. What happens when time stops? We no longer age. God’s healing comes with the New Earth. The New Earth begins and the old Earth must be Crimson to fade & then gone gone gone.
The Dream Catcher Showed Us the Disc of the Sun. And the Spider Lady if you look closely to see her. Also an Angel. And Other Spirit Entities of Light & Color.
There’s a secret place in the color of day where ancient sacred entities play reveal your face oh blessed king of light and color and dancing stream my dreams and visions you catch in the night how is it this day I see the sight of the great illusive “dream catcher”
Noah was perfect in his generations. His genome was not corrupted.
Massive Campaign of Fallen Angel Propaganda.
Who is Satan really? Because I have not met him. Furthermore NEVER have I been attacked by Angels. It’s demons who infest mankind. And its demons who tempted Eve. “God does not tempt mankind.” I do not know who the King of Demons is but He is not an Angel. And the term “Angel of the bottomless pit” is likely skewed and changed as much of the babbles are changed.
This may be Jazweeh’s Last article if hosting for websites can’t be paid by June 7th. Donations are accepted. I can only assume that if God is letting these sites go….then my job is over. Unless a miracle comes since I thought I had another 60 days to go on Earth.
Well folks if your the 144 you have endured looking into the face of the beast. You now know the debauchery of genocide and homicide commited by the system’s rulers. And the unaware & willingly compliant people who work for these dark soul leaders. This is a hard Truth to process. And as for status quo, societies social structure dictates that we are not kool if we proclaim anything “negative”. Some say that if the masses saw the Truth of what is really happening to humans they would panic and cause worse problems yet.
Keep Waiting. Nurture within yourself the Eternal & Supernatural Gifts of Hope and Faith. Your Chariot of Fire is Coming. Jacob’s time of testing is nearly finished.
We shall not give up the Hope nor shall we return to Egypt. We see the signs all around us of His return. The woman’s barrel of meal did not run out. All though she feared it would deplete by the threat of famine it did not run out…it did not empty of meal. And she fed her family and the prophet.
Do not cast your crown on the floor at the alter of the beast as others have with mindless ignorance. Do not allow the serpent to steal your Eternal crown of Hope. Joy comes to those who wait for God.
Somebody is in alot of trouble whoever made deals to change the bibles. The Dark Lord’s time is short and he knows it. Tribulation and woes are upon us. Spiritual tribulation is here. The day has come when we no longer travail for lost souls. “Let the evil be evil still.” Not all the new scriptures are lies.
Let the blind men lead the blind into the pit. Let the dead bury the dead. May the God of Glory fill our hearts with Hope for the day of our promised New Earth is very soon. The blessed Coat of many colors is already upon those who shall seed the New Earth. The cleansing is finished as far as we can see. 2024 is on the way. 2024 by April’s end by April’s end.
22:18 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Cell Towers Are the “Tower of Babble” to confound the people of Earth.
By Jazweeh the Seer
back scene’s are created inside of chicken eggs. She is alone. She did not take the scorpion sting apple bite. She is alone in her awareness surrounded by those confounded by babble. But not for long.
Confound their memories. Confound their dialect. Confound their discernment of good & evil. Confound their biblical knowledge and all of their languages & words surrounding them. Every language of the face of Earth is now being desecrated by the tower of babble. But they do not remember. They are CON-FOUNDED.
They threw their crowns on the floor alright. But not in the way they understood the new desecrated scripture.
The story in Genesess goes that the people of Earth way back in the day (allegedly) were becoming to technologically advanced. So advanced in fact, that God was worried. (1st red flag God is the Creator of mankind and doesn’t fear us. So it’s likely the “Lord” written of in that passage is the Dark Lord.)
I have warned. I have encouraged, I have exposed the beast and spelled out the Truth of God’s end of days. The Great Tribulation is upon us. 2023 will be the worst of it.
Prophecy is fulfilled. If you have not read enough here go to one of my other sites link below. See decodes and prophecy fulfillments especially the A-Z prophecy at
To be spiritually saved. Saved from what? Saved from separation from God. Separationfrom God cannot be felt or understood by mankind until it happens to them. I felt it. I saw the White Train that held The Divine Presence of God in man. A pearl, a treasure within a clay pot.
The Magic white train comes and crashes into the flesh. It takes the divine presence of God to a safe place for a short period until its returned to the flesh. Lesson learned. The Beimba (Beemba) is what the Hindus call the presence within. There are Truth and lies in every religion.
I have felt what it feels like to be separated from the Divine Presence of God. Of Life and of Love. I tell you truly truly, verily, verily, I could not live long without God’s Divine Presence in me. I felt an emptiness that is so dark it can’t be expressed. And so The Scribe of God writes his small warning unto the whole of mankind. Please hear me.
WHAT IS THE STRONG DELUSION? In short what do the see-ers see that others do not.
The See-ers recognize blasphemy in bibles. And they remember the holy bible before the desecration of the Holy place. Desolation. We see the Amos 8:11&12. Famine of God’s words. For it is hidden by the strong delusion. And the tower of babel rose.
The seer wants the whole world to see and it never will, it just chooses not to.
Could you look at an unexplainable miracle? No of course you could not. Or at least most could not. People see by their preconceived notions of emotional programming. PERIOD. In most cases the adults childhood controls their perceptions of Truth. That’s right. And the programs set in place when you were a babe are no play toys. They are powerful and deceptive changing men into what the program demands.
Though we, the children of God came into this world a clean slate with choices to make determining who we became. We then stepped into the holy template of ‘Child of God”. By our choices we …by our Love for The Father and for Jesus His Son we became Children of God. With Him from the beginning. We know Jesus and we walk in the footsteps of Jesus’ testimony. Most children of God have died at least once and were revived.
The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh
The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity. And she flies now. She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit. She is the sacred. Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.
I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so. The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.
For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida. It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights. It has wings as an angel. And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars. Today I figured out what she is.
I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix. There is a dividing of time in play. Two realities at work in one place. Literally two Truths. (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)
I decoded “A Whiter Shade of Pale” To my own shame by social engineering I never knew what this song meant. Blind to what was in front of my own eyes for so many years. There is a connection in the brain of logic to connect the dots of sight and reason. That connection was numb in me for a very long time. It is being hemmed back onto my privy garment. And what I see by its repair is the face of a dark prying beast. It is not comely.
The beast is pure evil and is everywhere by technologies influence. The prince of the power of the air. Except it is not privy to the hearts of God’s children God’s chosen few. They are safe.
Still the prophesied Locust has flown from the pit upon a wing of abomination it landed with a grotesque sound and wave. And it is consuming the many by joining with mankind. No demon it’s equal. It was released from the pit by the angel with the key. A bottomless pit.
Soon most people will have lost the conscience that keeps them from acting out their worst desires. The restrainer is leaving mankind one sequence at a time. One pitchfork two pitchfork three…by invitation they offer their blood.
backscene reverse engineered source code. The turn of the tide. The removal of the restrainer of evil. Prophecy
Biology, technology, and the spiritual condition meet ends. The dark trinity.
Technology, biology, The Dark Lord
The end of the age is here. The tree of the knowledge of good and of evil shall return to its vested pruning. And only the gods shall know of evil & good. Only the gods. And they shall guard Earth from both evil and careless abuse. The New Earth is coming.
What part will technology play? Nano circuitry is being set up in humans. The spiritual dark pilot is in place (the locust sits in the drivers seat.) The Dark Lord controls the Locust. With the right replications of nano tech the carnal body is made a slave unaware. ….unaware.
God will shorten these days for the sake of the chosen few who see what is. You cannot make a toad who trusts only in his own tongue exert the faith in magic & Goodness to become a fairy. They made their choices. As have we all.
So also shall it come in the night to thy forehead.
Howbeit Shalt Thou Change if Thee Taketh the Right Arm Mark?
Back Scene=code words for the mark of the beast
This is what the seer sees. Could she be wrong-possibly. Is she wrong? Doubtful.
They have become the H444. For it is the unclean dead man’s spirit that abides in them and will dominate.
Granted children I myself have my own sins. Being on one beast system pharmakia, I confess to you is one of them. But I have no right to condemn myself and God says “my grace is sufficient for thee”. He also says humans cannot handle being perfect nor were they made to be so.
06-25-2021 Rapture? Perhaps the Month of the Lion (July)
The clouds spoke on this day. The Creator brings a sword. The blue star falls with a great crash creating a great lake. The lake of fire comes but not fire for long, it will cool to blue.) The great gapping hole in the earth will swallow many exposing the inner earth. The lake of renewal and the disposal of many goats, with it brings the gathering of souls.
I arrived home Christmas Eve and looked under the tree. To my astonishment, illuminated beneath the branches were five mysterious gifts labeled “To you from God”. I was excited! I knew no human could have put them there, for no one had been allowed entry into my high security, impenetrable home. I believed for certain the gifts had to have been miraculously placed.
For those who were not alive in the 70s “Traffic” is the band. “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys” is the name of the album and main song.
Warning this is a Great Tribulation End Times prophecy song decode rated R for fear content.
“But today you just read that the man was shot dead
By a gun that didn’t make any noise
But it wasn’t the bullet that laid him to rest was
The low spark of high-heeled boys.”
Back in the late 80s Mine and other woman’s ministries given by God & God only were not accepted by the Great Harlot Church.
Over and over the men preachers refused to acknowledge or support in any way God’s Anointed Ministries while their own men’s ministries at that same church were puffed up and glorified, sanctioned and supported. Perhaps the pastor did us women a favor by keeping our own ego in tact we were not defiled by the false pride that the church could have offered by openly acknowledging us.
The Revealing of The Beast Past, Present, and Future Secrets of the Dark lords from Hell
Chapter One The Lion & The Cave
I slept. I dreampt. Suddenly I was approached by a Great Lion. Not just any Lion. He was Massive & Long, Fury and Beautiful. He did not look angry but still because of his bohemith size I feared.
There are 12 Stages of Meditation to Achieve Spiritual Mastery
Information given by Jazweeh. Written by Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm
We can easily look up the first ten stages of quieting and reeling in our thoughts. But also certain core issues from the beginning of life in the womb must be processed out for clarity sake and self knowledge. Yes the scars will remain but personality patterns of dysfunction due to the core issues must also be over come by the candidate for mastery.
On April 13th Jazweeh Saw the Angels of Wrath Descend Upon The Earth
Have you felt the foreboding mist in the air? Last night I could not see past my nose in the night. The sky was black as pitch. The moon nowhere to be found.
But moreover the night prior the moon high in the sky was orange. It looked more like a setting sun than a rising moon. As I went forth in prayer I heard…The I am or His angel Margareet’ stated “soon you will see a great sign in the sky, sit and watch.”
Take Heed my words, Take heed my call for the mirror drinker.
Now see this that Father Creator of The Heavens and Earth showed me this day by the skies, moon, sun, blood clouds that appeared across the sky as never before. People sped by in their cars not taking note of it or noticing the majestic prophecy in the clouds.
We are now in the dawning of the age of the Great Tribulation. The seas by
The Northern Angels were reserved for the end times wrath of God and for the protection of the sheep and the blind sheep.
This day 12-03-19 they were activated. What does this mean? According to Jazweeh it means its time for certain end time events to be carried out. It means that Father is now doing things we have never seen before by angels that we do not know of being active before. 2020 is the year of Judgement.
Why am I sharing my vision of death? “Is is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement”. Oh yes….the judgement, the judgement that does not contradict other Spiritual events that could happen to a soul after he dies.
Here is one of the rings of power from Hobbit movie. I believe there is some truth in the movie. However, I also believe the “5” rings of power are wheels and look more like the farris wheel shown. These wheels are large and owned by the five families of power.
Now, these five families of power unfortunately have united to use their wheels together instead of the years of fighting against one another.
1#Dark & blasphemous to deceive Christians and usher the into hell.
2#End times signs & wonders given to alert people to seek God.
Anyone can see type #2 IF they only look and IF they can emotionally handle the concept of the supernatural. (if they don’t employ cognitive dissonance.)
Type #1 is dark. Most people and most Christians do not see the dark blasphemous bible changes. I am speaking of scholars and preachers, experts, and teacher who have know the KJVB for years. The book has changed drastically even unto the very dialect of Old English becoming Middle English. Even unto Jesus promoting hate and murder. YET Christians rave over the book as an idol. They are under the strong delusion because the KJVB and other translations IS the abomination of desolation (was desecration) spoken of in the book itself. Amos 8:11 & 12 are nearly fully fulfilled. The famine of God’s wordS. Evil is spoken of as good and good is now evil especially in the book.
You May Be Chosen and Few
If you found this webpage….quit doubting that your special to The Father. No longer let the beast tell you its vain and a sin to know who you are in Christ being that you are one of the 144. Keep seeing the number everywhere do you? Had visions about it that you reason out may be your imagination..? Its good that you check yourself. However we are in end times and God is finally showing us who we are in Him. Not better, just different. Don’t feel like a “bride”? That’s cause you already knew The Father before you were human. The bride is different lot than the 144. One four four are less gullible, even less lovey dovey.
I wish I could make this topic short and sweet but it’s usually a long process to learn who and how we really are. Self awareness at a deeper level is vital to overcoming sin. Jesus lives in us, but how do we Love if we can’t Love ourselves?
Self Healing & obedience to Jesus Starts by Learning Consecrated Meditation in Christ
Mankind in Jesus is able to heal himself. The new age is here and a spiritual shift has happened. If you do not learn to meditate in Christ by seeking God you may not be able to take advantage of the new blessings, gifts, and supernatural abilities we now have access to. Pray God for The Baptism of The Holy Spirit Right Now.
Some Powers in High Places want all of humanity DESTROYED and Earth as well. Related Article
See new information on the Red sky prediction at bottom 2023 August. Red Dawn Event.
Jazweeh from has had repetitive visions of an all RED SKY. This morning she had was given the words “Plasma Break in the Ionosphere”. Since she is not a physicist or scientist we looked up the words and put together the prediction that HAARP will have just one demonically influenced if not full on possessed leader in its higher rank that will push beyond the limits the thrust of frequencies into the atmosphere of radiation called the Ionosphere.
Father’s End Times Signs and Wonders are miracles, healing, deliverance, signs in the skies and other great righteous miracles.
Satan’s Deceitful signs and wonders are counterfeit and evil consisting of lies like the bible changes. He destroys God’s words by changing history itself. Satan sends us a pack of lies called “the strong delusion” so Christians would read the Bible and preach lies. While Christians neither see the changes or the blasphemous lies that go against he very precepts of God’s Righteousness. Nor do they see the heresy of which the Bible is now littered. They do not see the sexual and mocking spirits behind the new bibles words. This is the strong delusion and it is here.
Lovely SHALAMAR also sometimes spelled SHALIMAR IS COMING and New JeruSalem may be the Home of the Antichrist’s reign!
The word Shalamar means “ABODE OF LOVE” IN one of the oldest languages known to man Sanskrit. (that used to be called Sanscript before all language became corrupt upon the strong delusion.)
Jesus does NOT abide in TRADITIONS OF MEN. Nor does He hearken to follow the leaders carnal status quos.
The Jews put Jesus to death. The Pharisees and Seducers (Sadducees) of men are on the rise pushing Zionism in The Bible that was once Holy and in the American churches that are deceived greatly.
The Jews want us to worship Israel. The Jews want to have the “Goyim” or Gentiles who are gentle to serve them as their masters. JUST LIKE IN THE DAYS OF JESUS these greedy men want rulership & power. Just as when they put the powerful Jesus to death for freeing the hearts & minds of the people.
“Those who wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as Eagles
they shall run and not falter
they shall skip/prance and not fall
so wait, I say wait, upon The Lord.”
I went to a place the soul does rest and ate from a tree of fruit not of this earth. The fruit looked quite like a Philodendron bloom but on a palm tree. I ate of it and it became bitter.
A mystery was given to me by the fruit. It did become bitter in my stomach. It was beautiful comely of good taste. And became bitter. then the wise vision saddened me from within my heart as I wrote.
I lay down to sleep, the next thing I knew I was walking in an unfamiliar place. I moved bare foot down a row of twelve huge towers that appeared as icy snow pillars, taller than the highest height. I wondered; what are these magnificent monstrosities?
The Wheel of Forgetting has encompassed our reality
There are two Mandella effects one seen, one unseen that is the strong delusion. Why two? To protect those who see through the strong delusion which is the changing history that most do not fathom.
The Mandella Effect is being caused by a great quantum connected wheel of time. “The Serpent’s Wheel” according to Jazweeh the prediction visionist. The prophetess Kerry Ann Gidden in the video below (which we have permission to post) has also seen this day the serpent’s wheel or a variation thereof in a vision of Trump falling to his death. The wheel of time is depicted in many art forms.
If you don’t remember these scripts know this: Jesus was frantic that His disciples could not stay awake and urged them “stay awake and pray with me just for a time, for the time of my leaving IS UPON US.” This was right before the Roman soldiers abducted Him. Now He says “Sleep on little children, Sleep on”. And the sheep do sleep on!
Such an appropriate Bible change for Jesus to tell His apostles and sheep to “sleep on.” Clearly the “deceptive signs and wonders” called “Bible Changes” are in full swing. But Jesus’ sheep SLEEP ON through them.
Mat 26:45
“Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”
Mar 14:41
“And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”
To those who fight the mighty in towers forts and barricades to those of righteous works read and understand.
STUMBLE STUMBLE SCREAMS AND ANGST. Twice I told of the coming age. Twice you saw the beast on the stage. Twice your mind was erased of truth and twice your debate was hewn and skewed, hewn and skewed. (felledandroughlyshaped by hewing, shape, chisel, pound, mold, etc.
What is the short message? The Beast system is using Facebook to control your behavior, idea, thoughts, & choices. The Fatherswords are “Come out from among them, be ye in the world but not of the world.” Become who you truly are in your heart, soul, and in The Father God of all creation.
Remove yourself from all Facebook garbage at least by 90% of your consumption of the app.
First we must see as a revelation how we have already been abused and controlled by The Beast System at large.
I am not sanctimonious and will not adhere to status quo. Status quo and “KOOL” are the beasts method and controlling the masses. Think about “kool” a while and how it effects people’s behavior. See my next article about MIND CONTROL.
Whose website is this exactly? I am Jazweeh. I have another site called that has predictions, videos, and truth about the Beast System at large. “Your enemy Saton roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour.” PEOPLE PLEASE DON’T IGNORE MY WARNING BECAUSE ITS TOO MUCH WORK AND TOO EMOTIONALLY TAXING. With God’s guidance you can push all of the beast’s carnal weapons used against you, out of your life. Then you can begin to work on your spiritual weaponry. I want to teach you to be a warrior for Christ. Please, don’t be dicked around by the devil at every turn. I wrote a book“Paradise for the Hellbound” before my awakening. Read it free, the chapters are clickable, skip around, the end chapters are my favorite.
Many of the 144 have already been raptured. Our visions have shown us this.
Could we be wrong about what we see & believe?…..always.
Those who already passed away have also ascended unto the Heaven or judgement. So all that’s left on Earth now is the remnant of 44,000 upon the entire Earth. And also of course the Gentiles are still here with the unbelievers.
Holy holy rise and stack are ye human or just a Yack? Yack turns to Yak. The cake is a snake. Eat not the blue cake of 1,000 snakes.
Spoke turned to spake and the bear a barbque ate. What?
Yay or was it yea turns to lo viking hick.
Words from below words from a ditch.