Meaning Behind “Lightning Crashes” by Live Lyrics

I doubt if even the singer knows what the song really means I also doubt if he wrote it.

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Lightning Crashes
LĪVE Lyrics


Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
Her placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes
The confusion sets in
Before the doctor can even close the door
Lightning crashes, an old mother dies
Her intentions fall to the floor
The angel closes her eyes
The confusion that was hers
Belongs now, to the baby down the hall
Oh now feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it
Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angel opens her eyes
Pale blue colored iris, presents the circle
And puts the glory out to hide, hide
Oh now feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it comin' back again
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from the center of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it

Song Decode. I did not expect to get all this out of that video Wow.

Lightening Crashes represents Satan quote straight from the bible “Satan as lightening fell from heaven to earth.”

So the setting is the evil one is in the birthing room.

Why, water and blood are shown.  When the Roman cut Jesus water and blood spewed forth from His body. (know this, the elite are obsessed Luciferians, know them by who they show you they are, look around.)

Why did her placenta fall to the floor as if garbage or trash?  It is said the powers that be use placentas for certain beautification products.  So it disappears from sight and will be sold.

The angel opens her eyes.  I get the feeling they don’t mean the baby.  While showing a bald woman it could be referring to the fallen angels in some way.

The confusion sets in before the doctor can even close the door.  Look at the singer’s hand in the official VEVO video of the song (I cannot post it here) or see photo below.  Notice the pinky separated from the rest of the hand as if it were another thin thumb?  Now look at your own hand, relaxed flat, see the same strange gap?  Ya, they didn’t used to be like that….they are now. Can you say Mandela Effect?  Look it up.  This is what we call Mandela effect body change.

But still the confusion set in fast, what confusion?  The child must be Vaxed with mercury and aluminum to dumb him down quick before he can see the Truth.  Because if not for all the aluminum in everything they pump into humans we would know the controllers who own Hollywood are mass serial killers who slaughter “the slaves”. That’s us in case you didn’t know it.

An old mother dies.  Look at the old woman, she appears to be asleep.  “having eyes they see not, having ears they hear not” “they loved not the Truth and chose the lie therefore the author of confusion sent them a strong delusion that resembles sleep”.  Lightening crashes….Satan leaves his mark on all mothers and their children.  Of course her intentions motivations, dreams, and good sense, and IQ falls to the floor by aluminum and other poisons year in year out day in day out.

Notice?  Notice the confetti falling from the sky?….ya Aluminum, straunteum, barium and more coming from the skies via geo-engineering.  We would be some smart mother fuckers if not for the poisons and very alert.  Most drugs also contain the dumb you down chems.  Don’t use fluoride.

Confusion sets in, they show the old man….altzheimers is a man made illness from Aluminum and other chemicals.

The bald woman makes a spell type movement to show witchcraft is involved, deeply involved in this process of the “confusion” call it “operation confusion” by who else?  “The author of confusion” (bible/Satan’s description).

Now, we see the priest with his cross and prayer hands….see him and the man right after with his fist clenched as if blowing a trumpet and the gold ring even sparkles like a trumpet.  The end of the age is predicted at the “last trump” Now trumpet “trump” maybe President Trump?  Also the angels of God’s wrath are released at the sound of a trumpet from the river Euphrates.  The man represents that trumpet they show right after flashing on the priest representing God.

Now all his feeling is coming back again…in comes THE GREAT AWAKENING between 2016 and 2017 witnesses say….some even as early as 2015 were waking up the beast system I am now revealing to you.  Did you miss the great awakening?  Better get in step with the one who created the fallen angels.

Forces pullin’ from the center of the earth again I can feel it= This line is a prophecy alert for those who feel the shift of the earth with hard ringing in the ears for 16 hours and then a host of new Mandela Effects follow.  When they do the body changes its the worst ringing we think.  Christmas day 2019 has had a horrible shift until we see the vail thinning.  It will not hold, it cannot hold.  The dead are already swimming in our air like fish.  They should be in the halls of the dead some call ammenti* (*Thoth, some things are true weather Christians call them Satan or not they have stolen our knowledge now we have the ability to see beyond what is hidden) for those waiting judgement.  Instead they swim lost in a world they cannot get to, yet.

The sheep and goats are being separated.  Jesus must know you speak to Him now.  It ain’t all about your actions though repentance the 5th should be done by us all..  Its about does He know you?  Say hello.

The singer is waking up!  He can feel it…God said in the last days I WILL pour out My Spirit on ALL FLESH.  Do NOT ignore your awakening, God forbid.  The penial gland is being de-calcified by The Holy One Himself He is waking up the entire earth to His existence.  This is the main truth the crashing angel of lightening has hidden from you.  There is a battle for your soul and a price on your head.  See the elite have a birth cert of you saying they own you.  But God says otherwise!

Look at all those books. they have worked very very hard to blind you and keep you in a certain malleable condition so as to profit off your life.

Coins over the eyes, eyes of blindness.  Also many are paid to stay silent.  While the fallen bald angel in ghostly white dress who had arms way too long to be a mortal woman and shoulders that are broader than her hips, she supervises, watches over the entire process of human destruction from birth to death.  The bald head represent 1/3 of humanity who die from Cancer make no mistake about that.  Cancer is the invention of the fallen given to mankind.

And what of the birthing mothers family?   They watch on, sleeping and blind knowing nothing is out of order, yet the singer, the minority is waking up, waking up to the silent holocaust.

But WAIT! There’s more and its ugly…..Pale blue colored Iris, over and over they sing “pale blue colored iris”.  Online I see article after article describing the eyes of the Alzheimer patients.    Cloudy blue color eyes over and over the article read.  They can even diagnose it by the eyes now.

There’s no cure (that’s bullshit detox of heavy metals go vegetarian use herbs, pray) for Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, which affects more than 5 million Americans — and it’s projected to soar to 13 million over the next 35 years. A study published earlier this month suggested it’s a big killer, taking down more than 500,000 Americans every year

Cancer, Altzheimers, Heart disease, Diabetes type 2, are the result of the bullets of Satan.   Poisons, and disinformation are there weapons.  “My people perish for lack of knowledge” killed all the day long is what it used to read.(bible).

Omg this is getting really ugly.  See photo Birthing Hook looks like a torture chamber tool to me.


Breaks The water Birthing

I noticed that the ancient Egyptian artifact looks much like the birthing hook shown in the video as do the regular snake hooks.   The medical tool looks like a serpent.   What is that saying?  The angel flashes the beast symbol of the horns of Baphomet with the birthing hook.    Medical students need to wake up.  If they use that in the broad daylight God only knows what is happening behind closed doors.  The procedure as many medical procedure are, are just plain sick and satanic and usually do more damage than good.

The singer is now transparent.  Books all on the floor.  The knowledge of the ages is hidden from the slaves.  The great knowledge and all the cures of all the diseases are written down and hidden from us.  Also there are books that show somewhere the Truth of what is happening to humans on the earth now.

Apples the forbidden fruit, original sin.  The angels who fell ruled over the elite for years, they are obsessed with the story of the garden.  The angel now feels regret.  But I don’t think thats a Satan representation, probably Azazeel.  I believe most of the angels have already been accepted back to their Father as they as heinous as it all is were under the calling to give mankind the choice between evil and good.  The separation of the goat’s and sheep had to take place.

If they were not called still all things work together for the good to those who Love Father.

Again papa with his eyes closed, the priest seemingly worthless to help and the young girl innocent but ignorant.

Fruit of the garden shown again.

Chem trails and dim lights as they blind the masses.

Its never been this bad but never been this good because Jesus is coming back.

The Son of God  Returns.



Video Source: Musixmatch
Lightning Crashes lyrics © Mucho Loco Music Ltd., Universal Music-careers, UNIVERSAL MUSIC-CAREERS OBO BMG MUSIC PUB. LTD.

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