Strong Delusion, Mandela Effect, Meets the Tower of Babel.

WHAT IS THE STRONG DELUSION?  In short what do the see-ers see that others do not. 

The See-ers recognize blasphemy in bibles.  And they remember the holy bible before the desecration of the Holy place.  Desolation.  We see the Amos 8:11&12.  Famine of God’s words.  For it is hidden by the strong delusion.  And the tower of babel rose.

The seer wants the whole world to see and it never will, it just chooses not to.

Could you look at an unexplainable miracle?  No of course you could not.   Or at least most could not. People see by their preconceived notions of emotional programming.  PERIOD.  In most cases the adults childhood controls their perceptions of Truth.  That’s right.  And the programs set in place when you were a babe are no play toys.  They are powerful and deceptive changing men into what the program demands.

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For the Mandela Affected & Those Left Behind

hacking your brain

To Those Who Do Not Feel The Shifts of Sand and of Time

Father Forgive them for they know NOT what they do.

Father Loves all and it is His Will that None of His Children Perish.  Salvation is measured in the condition of the heart.  Salvation is to those who have found peace in God and know living in Him/Her/It is far better than living in the flesh.

Also salvation has come to those who will learn that following God is to follow our true heart and there we find peace.

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Serpent’s Wheel Two

Here is one of the rings of power from Hobbit movie. I believe there is some truth in the movie. However, I also believe the “5” rings of power are wheels and look more like the farris wheel shown. These wheels are large and owned by the five families of power.


Now, these five families of power unfortunately have united to use their wheels together instead of the years of fighting against one another.

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Explanation of Mandela Effect for the Chosen Few

There are two different types of Mandela effects.

1#Dark & blasphemous to deceive Christians and usher the into hell.

2#End times signs & wonders given to alert people to seek God.

Anyone can see type #2 IF they only look and IF they can emotionally handle the concept of the supernatural. (if they don’t employ cognitive dissonance.)

Type #1 is dark.  Most people and most Christians do not see the dark blasphemous bible changes.  I am speaking of scholars and preachers, experts, and teacher who have know the KJVB for years.  The book has changed drastically even unto the very dialect of Old English becoming Middle English.  Even unto Jesus promoting hate and murder. YET Christians rave over the book as an idol.  They are under the strong delusion because the KJVB and other translations IS the abomination of desolation (was desecration) spoken of in the book itself.  Amos 8:11 & 12 are nearly fully fulfilled.  The famine of God’s wordS.  Evil is spoken of as good and good is now evil especially in the book.

You May Be Chosen and Few

If you found this webpage….quit doubting that your special to The Father.  No longer let the beast tell you its vain and a sin to know who you are in Christ being that you are one of the 144.  Keep seeing the number everywhere do you?  Had visions about it that you reason out may be your imagination..?  Its good that you check yourself.  However we are in end times and God is finally showing us who we are in Him.  Not better, just different.  Don’t feel like a “bride”?   That’s cause you already knew The Father before you were human.  The bride is different lot than the 144.  One four four are less gullible, even less lovey dovey.

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To the Men & Women Who Laugh While Changing Man’s History by Lies

Deceptive Signs & Wonders are you

The counterfeit of End Time Signs & Wonders.

Father’s End Times Signs and Wonders are miracles, healing, deliverance, signs in the skies and other great righteous miracles.

Satan’s Deceitful signs and wonders are counterfeit and evil consisting of lies like the bible changes.  He destroys God’s words by changing history itself.  Satan sends us a pack of lies called “the strong delusion” so Christians would read the Bible and preach lies.  While Christians neither see the changes or the blasphemous lies that go against he very precepts of God’s Righteousness.  Nor do they see the heresy of which the Bible is now littered.  They do not see the sexual and mocking spirits behind the new bibles words.  This is the strong delusion and it is here.

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An Unhappy Word and a Glad Scripture from Isaiah

“Those who wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength

They shall mount up with wings as Eagles

they shall run and not falter

they shall skip/prance and not fall

so wait, I say wait, upon The Lord.”

I went to a place the soul does rest and ate from a tree of fruit not of this earth.  The fruit looked quite like a Philodendron bloom but on a palm tree.  I ate of it and it became bitter.

A mystery was given to me by the fruit.  It did become bitter in my stomach.  It was beautiful comely of good taste.  And became bitter.  then the wise vision saddened me from within my heart as I wrote.

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The Serpent’s Wheel, Lies, Love, and Truth. Mandela Effect Symptoms

The Wheel of Forgetting has encompassed our reality

There are two Mandella effects one seen, one unseen that is the strong delusion.  Why two?  To protect those who see through the strong delusion which is the changing history that most do not fathom.

The Mandella Effect is being caused by a great quantum connected wheel of time.  “The Serpent’s Wheel” according to Jazweeh the prediction visionist.   The prophetess Kerry Ann Gidden in the video below (which we have permission to post) has also seen this day the serpent’s wheel or a variation thereof in a vision of Trump falling to his death.  The wheel of time is depicted in many art forms.

PLEASE, Stay In Truth So ye be not deceived

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Facebook Addiction is the Next Level of MIND CONTROL and this is how it works

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What is the short message?   The Beast system is using Facebook to control your behavior, idea, thoughts, & choices.  The Fatherswords are “Come out from among them, be ye in the world but not of the world.”  Become who you truly are in your heart, soul, and in The Father God of all creation.

Remove yourself from all Facebook garbage at least by 90% of your consumption of the app.

  1. First we must see as a revelation how we have already been abused and controlled by The Beast System at large.

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