God Began it and He WILL END IT and Soon! The Creator is the Alpha and the Omega/the beginning and the end.
The Dark Lord took all the bibles with permission. He turned those to the dark side who could be turned. He put in bondage to the Locust those who were not protected. And now the Dark Lord is destroying all of his puppets. Their corporations, their theirvery of land and resources, and their abuse of the innocent whom they made into slaves are being set free from them. The Dark Lord will devour his own recruits of souls. That was always his purpose. The serpents and wolves are fu**ed.
For those of us who have felt people’s (across the board given at birth) Spirit of Life and their personal spirit like their vibe or personality type…things have changed drastically gradually and not in a good way.
Spirits can be felt by the See-ers across the boundaries of the TV. Even the camera image sometimes captures the Spirit vibe. Not always. As I have said before, I have always been able to feel the spirits of other people. But I thought that everyone could. Come to find out, I was wrong. Apparently people don’t “feel entities” like the See-er do.
Such lively spirits people used to have. With the full array of emotion to boot. Then I started noticing with my Dad who took ALL the fluchots that his emotions were not connecting to his intellect.
What I mean is this. He could have seen an angel land in his living room announcing the coming of Jesus in an audible voice, and in all it’s glory from God. And my Dad would have been emotionally unaffected by it. That is what I saw happening to my biological father. His mind and emotions no longer met with one another. Perhaps it was a split in the left and right hemisphere’s of the brain. But I could feel his emptiness. An emptiness that it seems he himself never noticed.
The shots cut him off from God Almighty. He was literally cut off from the spiritual side of himself. How? Likely by deletion of certain cell lines. And by adding beast dna to his base line physical make up. You see beasts are not privy to the eternal gifts of Faith, Hope, & Love of God.
I have been in Cocaine Hell. And that place is a place where God’s supernatural & eternal gift of Hope is temporarily blocked during the come-down stage of cocaine abuse. For those who never nurtured Hope and Faith…they do not notice as the See-er does, the passing of such a great saving Grace fullness of the Spirit. Those who never prayed or never used their Hope of Salvation and their Faith in God…these are more likely to never notice when the eternal gifts are blocked or gone.
There is an aspect of the drug Cocaine which is likely in the back scenes. I know they put that same spiritual block in certain new fangled THC amplified chemical drugs. Not so long again someone gave me something to smoke. I felt Hope leave me temporarily THANK GOD IT WAS TEMPORAL!
The vision of the white train-a trip through Pandora’s box cars.
Scroll to the bottom of the page at this link.
As for what I felt today coming off a certain old politician on the news…the feeling of his spirit (if you can call it that) was much more foreboding and broken. He is an empty vessel. A well without water. An open tomb of death.
The feeling coming off the man on the image of the beast was far worse than what God showed me I would feel like if I took the mark of the beast back scene. The separation from God magnified. I felt a broken entity not a human being.
The empty vessel prophecy come to find out is far more literal than I suspected.
WHAT IS THE BEAST DOING TO THESE PEOPLE WITH IT’S CHOTS? It is far more grievous than anybody realized. But also the Locust is in play which consummated to all who have the spiritual mark (Eagle/Serpent/first love/brood of vipers) on their foreheads.
More will be revealed. ______________Jazweeh.com