The Great Tribulation is Here

On April 13th Jazweeh Saw the Angels of Wrath Descend Upon The Earth

Have you felt the foreboding mist in the air?  Last night I could not see past my nose in the night.  The sky was black as pitch.  The moon nowhere to be found.

But moreover the night prior the moon high in the sky was orange.  It looked more like a setting sun than a rising moon.  As I went forth in prayer I heard…The I am or His angel Margareet’ stated “soon you will see a great sign in the sky, sit and watch.”

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Is Reincarnation Real? End Times Visions

Death, The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse that was Death.  I met Death, he had no power over me.  He kneeled before me to serve me by ushering me into the next life.  “Death is my Servant.”  I wrote about this vision in my book.

“Death is my Servant”  Vision of Death

Why am I sharing my vision of death?  “Is is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement”.  Oh yes….the judgement, the judgement that does not contradict other Spiritual events that could happen to a soul after he dies.

Continue reading “Is Reincarnation Real? End Times Visions”



If you don’t remember these scripts know this: Jesus was frantic that His disciples could not stay awake and urged them “stay awake and pray with me just for a time, for the time of my leaving IS UPON US.” This was right before the Roman soldiers abducted Him.  Now He says “Sleep on little children, Sleep on”.  And the sheep do sleep on!

Such an appropriate Bible change for Jesus to tell His apostles and sheep to “sleep on.”  Clearly the “deceptive signs and wonders” called “Bible Changes” are in full swing.  But Jesus’ sheep SLEEP ON through them.

Mat 26:45

“Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”

Mar 14:41

“And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”