Ten (10) Stages of Meditation? Pish Posh! What of 11, 12 & 144,000 & Starseeds?

There are 12 Stages of Meditation to Achieve Spiritual Mastery

Information given by Jazweeh.  Written by Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm

We can easily look up the first ten stages of quieting and reeling in our thoughts.  But also certain core issues from the beginning of life in the womb must be processed out for clarity sake and self knowledge.  Yes the scars will remain but personality patterns of dysfunction due to the core issues must also be over come by the candidate for mastery.

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He’s Coming He’s Coming, The Lord Is Coming Soon

Bible Change Alert KJV

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,(full/ripe it has changed at least twice) but the labourers (spell error no “u”) are few;
Be careful (ANXIOUS, worry) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (The Lord, Our Father)
Quite literally this is now (after mandela effect & Supernatural KJVB changes) saying “be careless not careful” Truth is no longer part of KJVB otherwise Christians would stand and object to scriptures that DO NOT SAY WHAT THEY MEAN OR MEAN WHAT THAT SAY.  Christians continually rationalize the lies with the phrase “Ya but that isn’t what it means” like w/script “hate your family”.
And the peace of God, which passeth (SURPASSES) all [EARTHLY] understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  there was more to this verse


Song & Verification of The Spirit of God that Jesus is coming soon.

I have prayed in tongues, sang in tongues for over 30 years.  NEVER BEFORE have I ever gotten a song over and over like this one saying “He is coming soon”

Interpretation of Song Given

He’s coming He’s coming The Lord is coming soon.  He’s coming He’s coming The Lord is coming soon.

Get ready, get ready, get ready, the end is coming soon, The Lord is coming soon.


Its coming its coming the end is coming soon.  Its coming its coming the end is coming soon”

I believe we have around 4 years until Jesus returns.  I believe the bride will be raptured before the world wide disaster event in around two years.  The 144 are workers to help the last of the sheep get saved during the great tribulation.  The 144 are NOT leaving unless they are over come with fear or regret/dismay and change their mind in the next month or so.  They can be tramsmuted into the chosen few but another 144 will have to take their place as a worker for the sheep.  For the sheep.

It is for this reason the 144 have come, so why leave at last minute except human fear abade us? I say no.