To the protectors of the realm of mankind, protectors of the nobodies I do thank you for your sacrifices. But a mere “thankyou” hold little weight compared to the loss you have all endured.
Do not ever give up on the Eternal Gift of Hope your helmet. Do not doubt the precious eternal gift Faith. Don’t give up before the miracle happens! And so come the prophecies of those who war in Spirit. The words you waited for. And Jazweeh is relentless in her writing.
To those who are hidden, the scribe proclaims the spiritual victory by God’s leading. Victory is already accomplished!

For, just as the bad parts of prophecy have come to pass now the good parts. We sit back and watch what God will do. Waiting is not an easy task for a warrior whether in Spirit or in the carnal realm of man.
The stories are true says the Scribe of God…the strongholds are crushed by those who do not fight in carnal ways. They see into the world of shadow and darkness. Yet are we brothers to meet.
His Time Is Short
The beast is in its hay of day but we see it’s demise just around the corner. First Spirit and inevitable carnal follows. Your reward my noble wizard is from above and very soon. Of this I am certain says the seer Jazweeh.
La Sagrada Familia The War IS Won the Battle’s Over.
The Time Has Come to sit and watch what God will do. Easier said than done for a soldier of a lifelong mission.
Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Cathedral. In recent years oddly many Cathedrals were allegedly “struck by lightning”. Yet they have their toys of death. See video below “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys”.
“And the news man said that a man was shot dead by a gun that didn’t make any noise. But it wasn’t the bullet that laid him to rest, was the low spark of high heeled boys” Video at bottom.
The restrainer was a sect of the the Catholic Church. This Cathedral in Barcelona represented the restrainer (biblical prophecy) the protectors of mankind against corporate greed. And yet the many watchmen confuse the restrainer and condemn all of the Catholic church. Yet the charity of that church is unmatched. Finally the beast overcame and won the long standing war between two powers on Earth which few understand. Now is the time of the crow. Dark times of the beast are here. But his rule is short lived and nearly over. God will not have it. The harvest is ready the separation is done. The battle was not in vain. The restrainer of evil saved many lives.

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