This may be Jazweeh’s Last article if hosting for websites can’t be paid by June 7th. Donations are accepted. I can only assume that if God is letting these sites go….then my job is over. Unless a miracle comes since I thought I had another 60 days to go on Earth.
Well folks if your the 144 you have endured looking into the face of the beast. You now know the debauchery of genocide and homicide commited by the system’s rulers. And the unaware & willingly compliant people who work for these dark soul leaders. This is a hard Truth to process. And as for status quo, societies social structure dictates that we are not kool if we proclaim anything “negative”. Some say that if the masses saw the Truth of what is really happening to humans they would panic and cause worse problems yet.
Somebody is in alot of trouble whoever made deals to change the bibles. The Dark Lord’s time is short and he knows it. Tribulation and woes are upon us. Spiritual tribulation is here. The day has come when we no longer travail for lost souls. “Let the evil be evil still.” Not all the new scriptures are lies.
Let the blind men lead the blind into the pit. Let the dead bury the dead. May the God of Glory fill our hearts with Hope for the day of our promised New Earth is very soon. The blessed Coat of many colors is already upon those who shall seed the New Earth. The cleansing is finished as far as we can see. 2024 is on the way. 2024 by April’s end by April’s end.
22:18 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Cell Towers Are the “Tower of Babble” to confound the people of Earth.
By Jazweeh the Seer
back scene’s are created inside of chicken eggs. She is alone. She did not take the scorpion sting apple bite. She is alone in her awareness surrounded by those confounded by babble. But not for long.
Confound their memories. Confound their dialect. Confound their discernment of good & evil. Confound their biblical knowledge and all of their languages & words surrounding them. Every language of the face of Earth is now being desecrated by the tower of babble. But they do not remember. They are CON-FOUNDED.
They threw their crowns on the floor alright. But not in the way they understood the new desecrated scripture.
The story in Genesess goes that the people of Earth way back in the day (allegedly) were becoming to technologically advanced. So advanced in fact, that God was worried. (1st red flag God is the Creator of mankind and doesn’t fear us. So it’s likely the “Lord” written of in that passage is the Dark Lord.)
I decoded “A Whiter Shade of Pale” To my own shame by social engineering I never knew what this song meant. Blind to what was in front of my own eyes for so many years. There is a connection in the brain of logic to connect the dots of sight and reason. That connection was numb in me for a very long time. It is being hemmed back onto my privy garment. And what I see by its repair is the face of a dark prying beast. It is not comely.
The beast is pure evil and is everywhere by technologies influence. The prince of the power of the air. Except it is not privy to the hearts of God’s children God’s chosen few. They are safe.
Still the prophesied Locust has flown from the pit upon a wing of abomination it landed with a grotesque sound and wave. And it is consuming the many by joining with mankind. No demon it’s equal. It was released from the pit by the angel with the key. A bottomless pit.
Soon most people will have lost the conscience that keeps them from acting out their worst desires. The restrainer is leaving mankind one sequence at a time. One pitchfork two pitchfork three…by invitation they offer their blood.
backscene reverse engineered source code. The turn of the tide. The removal of the restrainer of evil. Prophecy
Biology, technology, and the spiritual condition meet ends. The dark trinity.
Technology, biology, The Dark Lord
The end of the age is here. The tree of the knowledge of good and of evil shall return to its vested pruning. And only the gods shall know of evil & good. Only the gods. And they shall guard Earth from both evil and careless abuse. The New Earth is coming.
What part will technology play? Nano circuitry is being set up in humans. The spiritual dark pilot is in place (the locust sits in the drivers seat.) The Dark Lord controls the Locust. With the right replications of nano tech the carnal body is made a slave unaware. ….unaware.
God will shorten these days for the sake of the chosen few who see what is. You cannot make a toad who trusts only in his own tongue exert the faith in magic & Goodness to become a fairy. They made their choices. As have we all.
So also shall it come in the night to thy forehead.
Howbeit Shalt Thou Change if Thee Taketh the Right Arm Mark?
Back Scene=code words for the mark of the beast
This is what the seer sees. Could she be wrong-possibly. Is she wrong? Doubtful.
They have become the H444. For it is the unclean dead man’s spirit that abides in them and will dominate.
Granted children I myself have my own sins. Being on one beast system pharmakia, I confess to you is one of them. But I have no right to condemn myself and God says “my grace is sufficient for thee”. He also says humans cannot handle being perfect nor were they made to be so.
06-25-2021 Rapture? Perhaps the Month of the Lion (July)
The clouds spoke on this day. The Creator brings a sword. The blue star falls with a great crash creating a great lake. The lake of fire comes but not fire for long, it will cool to blue.) The great gapping hole in the earth will swallow many exposing the inner earth. The lake of renewal and the disposal of many goats, with it brings the gathering of souls.
For those who were not alive in the 70s “Traffic” is the band. “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys” is the name of the album and main song.
Warning this is a Great Tribulation End Times prophecy song decode rated R for fear content.
“But today you just read that the man was shot dead
By a gun that didn’t make any noise
But it wasn’t the bullet that laid him to rest was
The low spark of high-heeled boys.”
The Revealing of The Beast Past, Present, and Future Secrets of the Dark lords from Hell
Chapter One The Lion & The Cave
I slept. I dreampt. Suddenly I was approached by a Great Lion. Not just any Lion. He was Massive & Long, Fury and Beautiful. He did not look angry but still because of his bohemith size I feared.