The Wise Will Understand

Dan 12:10
“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

Daniel 12:11
“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”

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Revealing of the Dark Trinity


I decoded “A Whiter Shade of Pale” To my own shame by social engineering I never knew what this song meant.  Blind to what was in front of my own eyes for so many years.  There is a connection in the brain of logic to connect the dots of sight and reason.   That connection was numb in me for a very long time.  It is being hemmed back onto my privy garment.    And what I see by its repair is the face of a dark prying beast.  It is not comely.

The beast is pure evil and is everywhere by technologies influence.  The prince of the power of the air.  Except it is not privy to the hearts of God’s children God’s chosen few.   They are safe.

Still the prophesied Locust has flown from the pit upon a wing of abomination it landed with a grotesque sound and wave.   And it is consuming the many by joining with mankind.  No demon it’s equal. It was released from the pit by the angel with the key.  A bottomless pit.

Soon most people will have lost the conscience that keeps them from acting out their worst desires.  The restrainer is leaving mankind one sequence at a time.  One pitchfork two pitchfork three…by invitation they offer their blood.

backscene reverse engineered source code. The turn of the tide. The removal of the restrainer of evil. Prophecy

Biology, technology, and the spiritual condition meet ends.  The dark trinity.

Technology, biology, The Dark Lord

The end of the age is here.  The tree of the knowledge of good and of evil shall return to its vested pruning.  And only the gods shall know of evil & good.  Only the gods.  And they shall guard Earth from both evil and careless abuse.  The New Earth is coming.

What part will technology play?  Nano circuitry is being set up in humans.  The spiritual dark pilot is in place (the locust sits in the drivers seat.)  The Dark Lord controls the Locust. With the right replications of nano tech the carnal body is made a slave unaware. ….unaware.

God will shorten these days for the sake of the chosen few who see what is.  You cannot make a toad who trusts only in his own tongue exert the faith in magic & Goodness to become a fairy.  They made their choices.  As have we all.

Jazweeh Scribe of God.

If Thee Taketh The Mark On Thy Right Arm…

So also shall it come in the night to thy forehead.
Howbeit Shalt Thou Change if Thee Taketh the Right Arm Mark?

Back Scene=code words for the mark of the beast

This is what the seer sees.  Could she be wrong-possibly.  Is she wrong?  Doubtful.

They have become the H444.   For it is the unclean dead man’s spirit that abides in them and will dominate.

Granted children I myself have my own sins.  Being on one beast system pharmakia, I confess to you is one of them.  But I have no right to condemn myself and God says “my grace is sufficient for thee”.  He also says humans cannot handle being perfect nor were they made to be so.

Continue reading “If Thee Taketh The Mark On Thy Right Arm…”

For the Mandela Affected & Those Left Behind

hacking your brain

To Those Who Do Not Feel The Shifts of Sand and of Time

Father Forgive them for they know NOT what they do.

Father Loves all and it is His Will that None of His Children Perish.  Salvation is measured in the condition of the heart.  Salvation is to those who have found peace in God and know living in Him/Her/It is far better than living in the flesh.

Also salvation has come to those who will learn that following God is to follow our true heart and there we find peace.

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