Is Reincarnation Real? End Times Visions

Death, The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse that was Death.  I met Death, he had no power over me.  He kneeled before me to serve me by ushering me into the next life.  “Death is my Servant.”  I wrote about this vision in my book.

“Death is my Servant”  Vision of Death

Why am I sharing my vision of death?  “Is is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement”.  Oh yes….the judgement, the judgement that does not contradict other Spiritual events that could happen to a soul after he dies.

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About Our Website & Protection from EMF

I am not sanctimonious and will not adhere to status quo.  Status quo and “KOOL” are the beasts method and controlling the masses.  Think about “kool” a while and how it effects people’s behavior.  See my next article about MIND CONTROL.

Whose website is this exactly?  I am Jazweeh.  I have another site called that has predictions, videos, and truth about the Beast System at large.  “Your enemy Saton roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour.”  PEOPLE PLEASE DON’T IGNORE MY WARNING BECAUSE ITS TOO MUCH WORK AND TOO EMOTIONALLY TAXING.  With God’s guidance you can push all of the beast’s carnal weapons used against you, out of your life.  Then you can begin to work on your spiritual weaponry.  I want to teach you to be a warrior for Christ.  Please, don’t be dicked around by the devil at every turn.  I wrote a book “Paradise for the Hellbound” before my awakening.  Read it free, the chapters are clickable, skip around, the end chapters are my favorite.

Continue reading “About Our Website & Protection from EMF”