The Red Helmet Protectors
I do apologize I cannot put this in the home page. It must be hidden therefore hard to find.
Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed. Protect yourselves you cannot protect those from the strong delusion further out. Perhaps the one shall be protected in other ways by the white crystal that protects from the wheel of the serpent.
And serpent’s wheel #2
The Long & Large shift is about to occur. The R.H. shall be deceived by time itself. As they put on their protection at the wrong time. The instance is not when the wheel proclaims. There is a deeper time-set in the engine to engage its preset turns. This is a backdoor into changing the wheels time clock that will deceive the helmets maybe even today, tonight.
This change will bring in the full power of the one you fear. He who is serpent, he who is black, “The tyrants face was red”. Is it Ben David or Ben Joseph? Not sure, maybe both. But he whom they fear shall gain his proclaimed power by the big shift. The biggest shift yet.
Not all sleep. Not all sleep. Not all sleep BUT we shall ALL be changed at the sound of Trump, or trump, or trumpet or both……the sound of Trump. Perhaps the greatest shift shall happen during a Trump speech. And then the human race shall endure the most rancid and diobolical shifts of all.
Pray for the diamonds they must regain their sight. Pray for the red helmets the restrainers who cannot restrain past this next shift.
Honestly …..I was shown the restrainer is off in the spiritual realms while in carnal the restrainers held fast to their goodness. Bless them so for their giving actions that WERE NOT IN THEIR NATURE. But YET, nevertheless they/you held fast to protect the slaves. The many.
They cannot find the 144. The 144 will work alone. They are divinely protected. And those who prophecy and dream dreams of the elect are often themselves deceived to think they are those in their dream the 144. How else would the dreamers be inspired to work hard and long to share their dreams at any cost if their ego’s were not puffed by doing so. Not that they don’t have some pure motives I do not know. Still, even though their belt has fallen they have a helmet of salvation as do you. Fear not. The strong delusion is not always a sign of the goat/wolf/serpent. Many are saved and blind.

The saved and blind do have partial vision. Then there are those who are utterly blind.
We will all be changed. Its time to accept the 1,000 years of peace that the great disaster will precede. Return to your first Love. You have done your best. Your names are written in the Lambs Book of Life.
We thank you.
DISCLAIMER: Don’t shoot the messenger. Prophecies or messages or predictions or words come like an arrow to shoot into he who knows the meaning. He for whom it has been written. The messenger most likely has no idea what the message means. Who is the messenger? See
She is a vessel. A dreamer. Even the blind can be led of God.
For now we see dimly as through a mirror, but then face to face.
For now we see partly as we know in part.
Faith, Hope, & Love are eternal and gradient. The greatest of these is Love.
NOW we know partly but then we shall know as well as we are known.
We shall see clearly, then
And then shall remain, Faith, Hope & Love
And the greatest of these is LOVE.
Death can be undone, Love cannot.
Lies can be erased, TRUTH cannot.
The Serpent’s Wheel has limitations but it is a very long process emotional, spiritual and even physical to naturally overcome. Therefore you must find the workaround to avoid the serpent’s wheel if that is your goal.