Ten (10) Stages of Meditation? Pish Posh! What of 11, 12 & 144,000 & Starseeds?

There are 12 Stages of Meditation to Achieve Spiritual Mastery

Information given by Jazweeh.  Written by Dorothy Ruth Stirrumm

We can easily look up the first ten stages of quieting and reeling in our thoughts.  But also certain core issues from the beginning of life in the womb must be processed out for clarity sake and self knowledge.  Yes the scars will remain but personality patterns of dysfunction due to the core issues must also be over come by the candidate for mastery.

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The Great Tribulation is Here

On April 13th Jazweeh Saw the Angels of Wrath Descend Upon The Earth

Have you felt the foreboding mist in the air?  Last night I could not see past my nose in the night.  The sky was black as pitch.  The moon nowhere to be found.

But moreover the night prior the moon high in the sky was orange.  It looked more like a setting sun than a rising moon.  As I went forth in prayer I heard…The I am or His angel Margareet’ stated “soon you will see a great sign in the sky, sit and watch.”

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Plasma Break in the Ionosphere Prediction/Vision & Science EMPCOE

Some Powers in High Places want all of humanity DESTROYED and Earth as well.  Related Article

See new information on the Red sky prediction at bottom 2023 August.  Red Dawn Event.

Jazweeh from Jazweeh.com has had repetitive visions of an all RED SKY.  This morning she had was given the words “Plasma Break in the Ionosphere”.  Since she is not a physicist or scientist we looked up the words and put together the prediction that HAARP will have just one demonically influenced if not full on possessed leader in its higher rank that will push beyond the limits the thrust of frequencies into the atmosphere of radiation called the Ionosphere.

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