The Northern Angels Are Now Activated

Jazweeh has spoken a Word from Father We Believe

The Northern Angels were reserved for the end times wrath of God and for the protection of the sheep and the blind sheep.

This day 12-03-19 they were activated.  What does this mean?  According to Jazweeh it means its time for certain end time events to be carried out.  It means that Father is now doing things we have never seen before by angels that we do not know of being active before.   2020 is the year of Judgement.

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Is Reincarnation Real? End Times Visions

Death, The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse that was Death.  I met Death, he had no power over me.  He kneeled before me to serve me by ushering me into the next life.  “Death is my Servant.”  I wrote about this vision in my book.

“Death is my Servant”  Vision of Death

Why am I sharing my vision of death?  “Is is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement”.  Oh yes….the judgement, the judgement that does not contradict other Spiritual events that could happen to a soul after he dies.

Continue reading “Is Reincarnation Real? End Times Visions”

He’s Coming He’s Coming, The Lord Is Coming Soon

Bible Change Alert KJV

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,(full/ripe it has changed at least twice) but the labourers (spell error no “u”) are few;
Be careful (ANXIOUS, worry) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (The Lord, Our Father)
Quite literally this is now (after mandela effect & Supernatural KJVB changes) saying “be careless not careful” Truth is no longer part of KJVB otherwise Christians would stand and object to scriptures that DO NOT SAY WHAT THEY MEAN OR MEAN WHAT THAT SAY.  Christians continually rationalize the lies with the phrase “Ya but that isn’t what it means” like w/script “hate your family”.
And the peace of God, which passeth (SURPASSES) all [EARTHLY] understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  there was more to this verse


Song & Verification of The Spirit of God that Jesus is coming soon.

I have prayed in tongues, sang in tongues for over 30 years.  NEVER BEFORE have I ever gotten a song over and over like this one saying “He is coming soon”

Interpretation of Song Given

He’s coming He’s coming The Lord is coming soon.  He’s coming He’s coming The Lord is coming soon.

Get ready, get ready, get ready, the end is coming soon, The Lord is coming soon.


Its coming its coming the end is coming soon.  Its coming its coming the end is coming soon”

I believe we have around 4 years until Jesus returns.  I believe the bride will be raptured before the world wide disaster event in around two years.  The 144 are workers to help the last of the sheep get saved during the great tribulation.  The 144 are NOT leaving unless they are over come with fear or regret/dismay and change their mind in the next month or so.  They can be tramsmuted into the chosen few but another 144 will have to take their place as a worker for the sheep.  For the sheep.

It is for this reason the 144 have come, so why leave at last minute except human fear abade us? I say no.


The Silver Roach Prophecy

Silver Roach Prophecy


Silver Roach Prophecy

Gone gone where have they gone?  They ruled the world ruled the wrong.  Gone gone.

The families of five garner the trott garner the trott, garner the trott.

On went the red hot hate 22 years.  On they went ruling the world the red hat ruled till they forgot till they forgot.  They ruled the world and then they forgot, hand and trott hand and trott they ruled the world and then they forgot, hand and trott.

Who took your rule owners of all?  Who took your hand off the wheel of power?  Who took your hand off the trott of iron and rot.  You joined together the wheels of time, you joined together with a song and a rhyme then forgot.

Five families together as one changing times and laws, dividing of time?  Owners of history?  Triumph of gestures when united you stood in red hats and wood, so you stood.

Who stole the wheel who stole your history, who stole your memories?

Someone of old put into the book ancient of days hook and crook stole your look & memory.

Not time not time not even the dime…history, history is what they stole.

How?  The typist betrayed the hats of red.  In typed the lies out spewed the truth, history history.  How much did the evil one pay the typist to botch the memories of his red hat owners?

The red hats cannot regain their power its too late.  The prophecies of old must move forward.   The dawn will break and brake and the red sky will come.  Cold falls, heat rises, and the red sky comes.

How long do we have until the red sky HOW LONG HOW LONG? Under two years two years or more or more.  A dead line we think of 2024.  It matters not what the wicked one types in go the lies out comes the history and sheep and goats remember no more, remember no more.

Have you forgot the 5 families and 5 wheels of control?  Have you also forgotten to quell your own soul of sin?

The Red Hats have fallen have fallen have fallen

Along with the fall of those in red comes the rise of him of whom they said for so long.  How oh how did he take control of the wheels of the 5 families?  How did you get all five rings of power?

He took your wheel, he took your memories then stole your wheel…the rings of power are working still for him.  Oh what will he do with such power?  It will be bad. 1/3 will die at his hand.  1/3 will die at his hand.

No longer can the red hats prevent 1/3 of mankind from dying.

No longer can the red hats prevent the earth from crying.

No longer can the sands of time be preserved.

No longer can the prophecies be held back.

No longer can the beautiful ones keep their anonymity from the walking serpents.  The walking serpents will be dried up and blown away.

Stubble and hay stubble and hay the geckos of power will be stubble and hay.  They have already lost 5 or 10.

The strongholds are falling down to dust down to dust and ancient rust.

Ancient rust and still you trust the typist?  Find his diary, the diary of the  typist will show you the way lest you also become stubble and hay.

Why is God helping the red hats?  Because the sheep must be proteted.

Serpent’s Wheel Two

Here is one of the rings of power from Hobbit movie. I believe there is some truth in the movie. However, I also believe the “5” rings of power are wheels and look more like the farris wheel shown. These wheels are large and owned by the five families of power.


Now, these five families of power unfortunately have united to use their wheels together instead of the years of fighting against one another.

Continue reading “Serpent’s Wheel Two”

Explanation of Mandela Effect for the Chosen Few

There are two different types of Mandela effects.

1#Dark & blasphemous to deceive Christians and usher the into hell.

2#End times signs & wonders given to alert people to seek God.

Anyone can see type #2 IF they only look and IF they can emotionally handle the concept of the supernatural. (if they don’t employ cognitive dissonance.)

Type #1 is dark.  Most people and most Christians do not see the dark blasphemous bible changes.  I am speaking of scholars and preachers, experts, and teacher who have know the KJVB for years.  The book has changed drastically even unto the very dialect of Old English becoming Middle English.  Even unto Jesus promoting hate and murder. YET Christians rave over the book as an idol.  They are under the strong delusion because the KJVB and other translations IS the abomination of desolation (was desecration) spoken of in the book itself.  Amos 8:11 & 12 are nearly fully fulfilled.  The famine of God’s wordS.  Evil is spoken of as good and good is now evil especially in the book.

You May Be Chosen and Few

If you found this webpage….quit doubting that your special to The Father.  No longer let the beast tell you its vain and a sin to know who you are in Christ being that you are one of the 144.  Keep seeing the number everywhere do you?  Had visions about it that you reason out may be your imagination..?  Its good that you check yourself.  However we are in end times and God is finally showing us who we are in Him.  Not better, just different.  Don’t feel like a “bride”?   That’s cause you already knew The Father before you were human.  The bride is different lot than the 144.  One four four are less gullible, even less lovey dovey.

Continue reading “Explanation of Mandela Effect for the Chosen Few”

I Can’t Stop Sinning. How to Overcome The Flesh by Self Awareness

I wish I could make this topic short and sweet but it’s usually a long process to learn who and how we really are. Self awareness at a deeper level is vital to overcoming sin.  Jesus lives in us, but how do we Love if we can’t Love ourselves?

Self Healing & obedience to Jesus Starts by Learning Consecrated Meditation in Christ

Mankind in Jesus is able to heal himself. The new age is here and a spiritual shift has happened.  If you do not learn to meditate in Christ by seeking God you may not be able to take advantage of the new blessings, gifts, and supernatural abilities we now have access to.  Pray God for The Baptism of The Holy Spirit Right Now.

Continue reading “I Can’t Stop Sinning. How to Overcome The Flesh by Self Awareness”

Vision of The Lost Sheep of God

Vision and Commentary on Vision

I went out for my day prayers and looked up into the clouds.  Every cloud seemed to tell a story.  Every form of puff and line had a meaning.  I saw several things but the one that stuck out was the many people who were lined up following the leader persay, one after the other, one by one they followed one another into a great sea of delusion.  The sea was a great white cloud shaped like a giant brick that the people wandered into as if in a daze.

Continue reading “Vision of The Lost Sheep of God”

Plasma Break in the Ionosphere Prediction/Vision & Science EMPCOE

Some Powers in High Places want all of humanity DESTROYED and Earth as well.  Related Article

See new information on the Red sky prediction at bottom 2023 August.  Red Dawn Event.

Jazweeh from has had repetitive visions of an all RED SKY.  This morning she had was given the words “Plasma Break in the Ionosphere”.  Since she is not a physicist or scientist we looked up the words and put together the prediction that HAARP will have just one demonically influenced if not full on possessed leader in its higher rank that will push beyond the limits the thrust of frequencies into the atmosphere of radiation called the Ionosphere.

Continue reading “Plasma Break in the Ionosphere Prediction/Vision & Science EMPCOE”

To the Men & Women Who Laugh While Changing Man’s History by Lies

Deceptive Signs & Wonders are you

The counterfeit of End Time Signs & Wonders.

Father’s End Times Signs and Wonders are miracles, healing, deliverance, signs in the skies and other great righteous miracles.

Satan’s Deceitful signs and wonders are counterfeit and evil consisting of lies like the bible changes.  He destroys God’s words by changing history itself.  Satan sends us a pack of lies called “the strong delusion” so Christians would read the Bible and preach lies.  While Christians neither see the changes or the blasphemous lies that go against he very precepts of God’s Righteousness.  Nor do they see the heresy of which the Bible is now littered.  They do not see the sexual and mocking spirits behind the new bibles words.  This is the strong delusion and it is here.

Continue reading “To the Men & Women Who Laugh While Changing Man’s History by Lies”

The Place “New Jerusalem” May be Mislabeled Greatly. The Bible is Corrupt. Follow The Spirit!

Lovely SHALAMAR also sometimes spelled SHALIMAR IS COMING and New JeruSalem may be the Home of the Antichrist’s reign!

The word Shalamar means “ABODE OF LOVE” IN one of the oldest languages known to man Sanskrit.  (that used to be called Sanscript before all language became corrupt upon the strong delusion.)

Jesus does NOT abide in TRADITIONS OF MEN.  Nor does He hearken to follow the leaders carnal status quos.

The Jews put Jesus to death.  The Pharisees and Seducers (Sadducees) of men are on the rise pushing Zionism in The Bible that was once Holy and in the American churches that are deceived greatly.

The Jews want us to worship Israel.  The Jews want to have the “Goyim” or Gentiles who are gentle to serve them as their masters.  JUST LIKE IN THE DAYS OF JESUS these greedy men want rulership & power.  Just as when they put the powerful Jesus to death for freeing the hearts & minds of the people.

Continue reading “The Place “New Jerusalem” May be Mislabeled Greatly. The Bible is Corrupt. Follow The Spirit!”

An Unhappy Word and a Glad Scripture from Isaiah

“Those who wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength

They shall mount up with wings as Eagles

they shall run and not falter

they shall skip/prance and not fall

so wait, I say wait, upon The Lord.”

I went to a place the soul does rest and ate from a tree of fruit not of this earth.  The fruit looked quite like a Philodendron bloom but on a palm tree.  I ate of it and it became bitter.

A mystery was given to me by the fruit.  It did become bitter in my stomach.  It was beautiful comely of good taste.  And became bitter.  then the wise vision saddened me from within my heart as I wrote.

Continue reading “An Unhappy Word and a Glad Scripture from Isaiah”

To Those who Protect the Red Helmets

The Red Helmet Protectors

I do apologize I cannot put this in the home page.  It must be hidden therefore hard to find.

Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.  Protect yourselves you cannot protect those from the strong delusion further out.  Perhaps the one shall be protected in other ways by the white crystal that protects from the wheel of the serpent.

And serpent’s wheel #2

The Long & Large shift is about to occur.  The R.H. shall be deceived by time itself.  As they put on their protection at the wrong time.  The instance is not when the wheel proclaims.  There is a deeper time-set in the engine to engage its preset turns.  This is a backdoor into changing the wheels time clock that will deceive the helmets maybe even today, tonight.

This change will bring in the full power of the one you fear.  He who is serpent, he who is black, “The tyrants face was red”.  Is it Ben David or Ben Joseph?  Not sure, maybe both.  But he whom they fear shall gain his proclaimed power by the big shift.  The biggest shift yet.

Not all sleep.  Not all sleep.  Not all sleep BUT we shall ALL be changed at the sound of Trump, or trump, or trumpet or both……the sound of Trump.  Perhaps the greatest shift shall happen during a Trump speech.  And then the human race shall endure the most rancid and diobolical shifts of all.

Pray for the diamonds they must regain their sight.  Pray for the red helmets the restrainers who cannot restrain past this next shift.

Honestly …..I was shown the restrainer is off in the spiritual realms while in carnal the restrainers held fast to their goodness.  Bless them so for their giving actions that WERE NOT IN THEIR NATURE.  But YET, nevertheless they/you held fast to protect the slaves.  The many.

They cannot find the 144.  The 144 will work alone.  They are divinely protected. And those who prophecy and dream dreams of the elect are often themselves deceived to think they are those in their dream the 144.  How else would the dreamers be inspired to work hard and long to share their dreams at any cost if their ego’s were not puffed by doing so.  Not that they don’t have some pure motives I do not know.  Still, even though their belt has fallen they have a helmet of salvation as do you.  Fear not.  The strong delusion is not always a sign of the goat/wolf/serpent.  Many are saved and blind.

The saved and blind do have partial vision. Then there are those who are utterly blind.

We will all be changed.  Its time to accept the 1,000 years of peace that the great disaster will precede.  Return to your first Love.  You have done your best.  Your names are written in the Lambs Book of Life.

We thank you.

DISCLAIMER:  Don’t shoot the messenger.  Prophecies or messages or predictions or words come like an arrow to shoot into he who knows the meaning.  He for whom it has been written. The messenger most likely has no idea what the message means.  Who is the messenger?  See

She is a vessel.  A dreamer.  Even the blind can be led of God.

For now we see dimly as through a mirror, but then face to face.

For now we see partly as we know in part.

Faith, Hope, & Love are eternal and gradient.  The greatest of these is Love.

NOW we know partly but then we shall know as well as we are known.

We shall see clearly, then

And then shall remain, Faith, Hope & Love

And the greatest of these is LOVE.

Death can be undone, Love cannot.

Lies can be erased, TRUTH cannot.

The Serpent’s Wheel has limitations but it is a very long process emotional, spiritual and even physical to naturally overcome.  Therefore you must find the workaround to avoid the serpent’s wheel if that is your goal.


Jethro Tull Thick as a Brick Decoded Prophecy

Red Plasma EMPCOE

Short version of Thick as a Brick

The decoded words are in RED

Really don’t mind if you sit this one out =This WILL not be an event you would like to experience.
My words but a whisper, your deafness a shout= The elite powers that be hide all major truth from the regular sheeple.  Lies in school lies on TV and LIES CALLED SCIENTISM.  They are silent about the true issues of our time.
I may make you feel but I can’t make you think= God’s people try desperately on YouTube and other scantily searched websites to expose HAARP, M.I.C.,and other evil governmentalist yet corporate entities which do anything they want with utter autonomy.

Continue reading “Jethro Tull Thick as a Brick Decoded Prophecy”

The Serpent’s Wheel, Lies, Love, and Truth. Mandela Effect Symptoms

The Wheel of Forgetting has encompassed our reality

There are two Mandella effects one seen, one unseen that is the strong delusion.  Why two?  To protect those who see through the strong delusion which is the changing history that most do not fathom.

The Mandella Effect is being caused by a great quantum connected wheel of time.  “The Serpent’s Wheel” according to Jazweeh the prediction visionist.   The prophetess Kerry Ann Gidden in the video below (which we have permission to post) has also seen this day the serpent’s wheel or a variation thereof in a vision of Trump falling to his death.  The wheel of time is depicted in many art forms.

PLEASE, Stay In Truth So ye be not deceived

Continue reading “The Serpent’s Wheel, Lies, Love, and Truth. Mandela Effect Symptoms”



If you don’t remember these scripts know this: Jesus was frantic that His disciples could not stay awake and urged them “stay awake and pray with me just for a time, for the time of my leaving IS UPON US.” This was right before the Roman soldiers abducted Him.  Now He says “Sleep on little children, Sleep on”.  And the sheep do sleep on!

Such an appropriate Bible change for Jesus to tell His apostles and sheep to “sleep on.”  Clearly the “deceptive signs and wonders” called “Bible Changes” are in full swing.  But Jesus’ sheep SLEEP ON through them.

Mat 26:45

“Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”

Mar 14:41

“And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.”



See also “The Prophecy of The Silver Roach

To those who fight the mighty in towers forts and barricades to those of righteous works read and understand.

STUMBLE STUMBLE SCREAMS AND ANGST. Twice I told of the coming age. Twice you saw the beast on the stage. Twice your mind was erased of truth and twice your debate was hewn and skewed, hewn and skewed. (felled and roughly shaped by hewing, shape, chisel, pound, mold, etc.

Controlled opposition entertained their minds, until it indwelt their hearts confined.
When the belt is dropped the breastplate always follows. Continue reading “THE PROPHECY OF THE GOLDEN ROACH”

Facebook Addiction is the Next Level of MIND CONTROL and this is how it works

hacking your brain

What is the short message?   The Beast system is using Facebook to control your behavior, idea, thoughts, & choices.  The Fatherswords are “Come out from among them, be ye in the world but not of the world.”  Become who you truly are in your heart, soul, and in The Father God of all creation.

Remove yourself from all Facebook garbage at least by 90% of your consumption of the app.

  1. First we must see as a revelation how we have already been abused and controlled by The Beast System at large.

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About Our Website & Protection from EMF

I am not sanctimonious and will not adhere to status quo.  Status quo and “KOOL” are the beasts method and controlling the masses.  Think about “kool” a while and how it effects people’s behavior.  See my next article about MIND CONTROL.

Whose website is this exactly?  I am Jazweeh.  I have another site called that has predictions, videos, and truth about the Beast System at large.  “Your enemy Saton roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour.”  PEOPLE PLEASE DON’T IGNORE MY WARNING BECAUSE ITS TOO MUCH WORK AND TOO EMOTIONALLY TAXING.  With God’s guidance you can push all of the beast’s carnal weapons used against you, out of your life.  Then you can begin to work on your spiritual weaponry.  I want to teach you to be a warrior for Christ.  Please, don’t be dicked around by the devil at every turn.  I wrote a book “Paradise for the Hellbound” before my awakening.  Read it free, the chapters are clickable, skip around, the end chapters are my favorite.

Continue reading “About Our Website & Protection from EMF”