For the Mandela Affected & Those Left Behind

hacking your brain

To Those Who Do Not Feel The Shifts of Sand and of Time

Father Forgive them for they know NOT what they do.

Father Loves all and it is His Will that None of His Children Perish.  Salvation is measured in the condition of the heart.  Salvation is to those who have found peace in God and know living in Him/Her/It is far better than living in the flesh.

Also salvation has come to those who will learn that following God is to follow our true heart and there we find peace.

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To the Men & Women Who Laugh While Changing Man’s History by Lies

Deceptive Signs & Wonders are you

The counterfeit of End Time Signs & Wonders.

Father’s End Times Signs and Wonders are miracles, healing, deliverance, signs in the skies and other great righteous miracles.

Satan’s Deceitful signs and wonders are counterfeit and evil consisting of lies like the bible changes.  He destroys God’s words by changing history itself.  Satan sends us a pack of lies called “the strong delusion” so Christians would read the Bible and preach lies.  While Christians neither see the changes or the blasphemous lies that go against he very precepts of God’s Righteousness.  Nor do they see the heresy of which the Bible is now littered.  They do not see the sexual and mocking spirits behind the new bibles words.  This is the strong delusion and it is here.

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