Keep Waiting. Nurture within yourself the Eternal & Supernatural Gifts of Hope and Faith. Your Chariot of Fire is Coming. Jacob’s time of testing is nearly finished.
We shall not give up the Hope nor shall we return to Egypt. We see the signs all around us of His return. The woman’s barrel of meal did not run out. All though she feared it would deplete by the threat of famine it did not run out…it did not empty of meal. And she fed her family and the prophet.
Do not cast your crown on the floor at the alter of the beast as others have with mindless ignorance. Do not allow the serpent to steal your Eternal crown of Hope. Joy comes to those who wait for God.
The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh
The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity. And she flies now. She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit. She is the sacred. Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.
I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so. The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.
I decoded “A Whiter Shade of Pale” To my own shame by social engineering I never knew what this song meant. Blind to what was in front of my own eyes for so many years. There is a connection in the brain of logic to connect the dots of sight and reason. That connection was numb in me for a very long time. It is being hemmed back onto my privy garment. And what I see by its repair is the face of a dark prying beast. It is not comely.
The beast is pure evil and is everywhere by technologies influence. The prince of the power of the air. Except it is not privy to the hearts of God’s children God’s chosen few. They are safe.
Still the prophesied Locust has flown from the pit upon a wing of abomination it landed with a grotesque sound and wave. And it is consuming the many by joining with mankind. No demon it’s equal. It was released from the pit by the angel with the key. A bottomless pit.
Soon most people will have lost the conscience that keeps them from acting out their worst desires. The restrainer is leaving mankind one sequence at a time. One pitchfork two pitchfork three…by invitation they offer their blood.
backscene reverse engineered source code. The turn of the tide. The removal of the restrainer of evil. Prophecy
Biology, technology, and the spiritual condition meet ends. The dark trinity.
Technology, biology, The Dark Lord
The end of the age is here. The tree of the knowledge of good and of evil shall return to its vested pruning. And only the gods shall know of evil & good. Only the gods. And they shall guard Earth from both evil and careless abuse. The New Earth is coming.
What part will technology play? Nano circuitry is being set up in humans. The spiritual dark pilot is in place (the locust sits in the drivers seat.) The Dark Lord controls the Locust. With the right replications of nano tech the carnal body is made a slave unaware. ….unaware.
God will shorten these days for the sake of the chosen few who see what is. You cannot make a toad who trusts only in his own tongue exert the faith in magic & Goodness to become a fairy. They made their choices. As have we all.
06-25-2021 Rapture? Perhaps the Month of the Lion (July)
The clouds spoke on this day. The Creator brings a sword. The blue star falls with a great crash creating a great lake. The lake of fire comes but not fire for long, it will cool to blue.) The great gapping hole in the earth will swallow many exposing the inner earth. The lake of renewal and the disposal of many goats, with it brings the gathering of souls.